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Incoming Freshman Welcome Night

This event will be a chance to gather as a class, learn more about course scheduling, and meet the leaders of our community. This event is meant for both students and parents.

Our Dean of Studies will give you information about your course schedule for next year and will let you know how to access your schedule online (your schedule will not be available until after the event). Everything that you need to know about courses and making sure your schedule is complete will be given to you at this event.  If you are unable to attend the event, we will be in touch with additional information.

We look forward to introducing you to leaders of our community through an open house-style event.  You will have the opportunity to learn more about the things that interest you and also grab your MC spirit pack!

Please arrive no later than 5:30pm (check-in is in front of the Student Center) and once the formal presentation is over, you can stay for a while (we hope you do!) or head on your way.  Parking will be available in both the upper and lower parking lots.

5:30pm: Check-in in front of the Student Center

5:45pm: Gather in the Student Center for a formal presentation

6:10pm:  Open House - Various tables will be set up along our academic quad with leaders of our community ready to answer questions and meet you.  We invite you to grab your spirit pack, meet up with fellow classmates and become acquainted with the MC community!