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Counselors encourage students, with the support of their parents, to develop academic/study skills and healthy decision-making skills that lead to success in high school and post-secondary education. Counselors provide support through academic achievement strategies, academic and post-secondary goal-setting, and both short and long term academic planning (scheduling). Parents and students are encouraged to utilize MC Connect to monitor student progress. Families can use the information to develop both preventive and corrective measures for improving academic achievement. To develop the habit of effective self-advocacy, students should initiate first contact with the teacher if there is an academic concern. Parents are then encouraged to contact teachers in support of their students' efforts. After the initial contact between the student, parent and teacher have been made, counselors are available to help facilitate further discussion if necessary.

Each grade level has scheduled events for both students and parents. These events are specifically designed with information relevant to the students’ developmental growth and educational progress.


During a student's time at Marin Catholic, counselors introduce the concept of college and career pathways, counsel students about their interests, and help students make connections between their current academic progress and future college plans. Counselors help students understand the relationship between consistent efforts in school and success in college. Counselors provide guidance to juniors and seniors as they engage in the college search, selection, and application process.  Junior and Senior families are encouraged to attend the department’s educational events related to the college search and application process.

Junior and senior students receive systematic college counseling. Parents are encouraged to ask questions regarding the college search, selection, and application process. Parents of sophomores, juniors, and seniors are encouraged to attend college and financial aid information nights sponsored by the Department.


MC’s college application platform is a solution for students, parents, counselors, and colleges focused on finding the right fit through a unified college search and planning network. Click here to log in to SCOIR.