Junior English Students Send Care Packages to our Troops

As a wrap activity to Tim O'Brien's The Things they Carried, every Junior level English student, along with the Blue Star Moms of Marin put together care packages to send to our troops. Through this novel, students studied that the fear, the pain, the struggle is very real for soldiers regardless of the time and place. By participating in this project, students took that understanding and empathy to the men and women enlisted today. 

Maria Sneed, a representative from Blue Star Moms of Marin visited the students on Monday to present information and give the students some guidance about what to pack and the different they would be making. Students brought in various items to pack and put together 175 packages. In addition, each student wrote a greeting card to show their support of the troops. The Blue Star Moms will be sending the packed boxes to hopefully brighten the day of some of those serving our country.
